We have several cheats for you including invincibility, invisibility, skip checkpoint and God mode.
We have 20 cheats and tips on Xbox. If you have any cheats or tips for Doom 3 please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PC
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Doom 3 cheats
GOD Mode:
Hold down Left Trigger and press A, A, A, A.
Temporary Invincibility:
Hold down Left Trigger and press X, X, X, X.
Skip Level During gameplay:
Hold Left Trigger and press B, A, X, Y.
End Level:
Hold down Left Trigger and press A, A, B, B.
Berserk Mode:
Hold Left Trigger and press X, X, X, Y.
Hold down Left Trigger and press X, X, Y, Y.
All Keys, All Weapons, and Full Ammo:
Hold down Left Trigger and press A, B, A, B.
Weapons and Ammo:
Hold down Left Trigger and press B, B, B, B.
Hold down Left Trigger and press B, B, A, A.
Radiation Suit:
Hold down Left Trigger and press X, Y, Y, Y.
Light Amp..
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50 1
REAL invincibility
I would like to correct my earlier chet that is to skip level (SORRY!)
This is how to get it
Go to PDA,go to objective screen,hold L trigger and press X,Y,B,A
7 0
enter your PDA hold down the left trigger and press X,Y,B,A you may need to do this once or twice and you will need to do it over again if you finish a level
On any level, hold down L, and press X,Y,B,A, an..
On any level, hold down L, and press X,Y,B,A, and you'll have infinite health.
4 0
No damage by Imp fire
When an Imp is going to through a fire-ball at you, just duck and it will miss every time. I know this is probably obvious but if you are right in front of a wall it will still hurt you but not as much.
4 0
Only way to get invincibility!
Ok it dosent matter which level you start on all you have to do is go to your pda then hold the left trigger and hit x,y,b,a you might have to do it twice but after you do it your pda should go off and you will be invincible!!
6 3
Creaters of Doom hidden thank you thing
Okay you must be on the last level to do this.
Okay I'm not that good at telling were this is but look every were in the ruins when you are near the last boss nthe cyberdemon.
It on the wall and it sould say Id and click on it then the wall shall open and the is the pda get it and look on you pda and the creaters of Doom will say thank you's...
2 0
I'm not sure if this one works but the cheat for invisability is=hold left trigger and press x y b a while playing the game it should work
Have fun cheating
2 0
Go to your PDA,go to the objective screen, hold L trigger and press B,A,X,Y then test it out if it doesn't work do it again
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Skip Checkpoint
To skip checkpoint hold down sprint(L) and press B,A,X,Y
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Be invinceble
To Be Invincible hold sprint(L)and press A,X,Y,B
1 0
True Invincibilty
To get invincibilty, you do not need to open the PDA, but you do use X,Y,A,B. IF you do it right and in a quiet area, you'll hear a confirmation sound.
2 1
On the last level just before you get to the boss turn left and somewhere you will see a brick saying id under a ledge [crouching] click on id and another room will appear with a PDA when you read it, it shows the game designers saying thanks to everyone!
2 1
Save shotgun ammo
Go up to imps or zombies and when your like 50cm near then shhot and they'll die first shot.
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Get Soul Cube
You get it after you kill the guardian or at past the bridge in the 3rd level or
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Chain saw
When you get the chain saw not chainsaw gun the chain saw use only the chain saw unless it's like a huge monster or unless long rang trust me you will save alot of ammo
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Play chicken punch!
Ok when you find the chicken punch game it should say out of order or somtin like dat crouch and go behind the machine and there should be a button press it and you will be able to play chicken punch!
2 2
Check all the Black Holes
You can only get the rocket launcher and the bfg from them there is also alot of ammo.
0 1
Invincipility/skip to next checkpoint
Invincibility-hold left trigger,b,a,x,y
Skip to next checkpoint-same hold left,y,b,a,x
Reminder re-enter cheats after each checkpoint
2 3
God mode
hold L trigger and press a a a a
3 8
We have 23 questions and 30 answers for Doom 3. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need.
What is the code to get into the plasma storage on the level Enpro Plant? |
I believe the code to get into there is 972. » Show More Answers |
I am stuck in the cryrogenic center. What do I need to do to the cryrogenic boxes to advance? |
This one was tough and it took a few tries to figure it out myself. |
I own the limited edition and none of the cheats work I want to know what the hell???? Somebody answer my question. |
Only 2 of the cheats work for doom 3 and that is god mode and skip level. The rest ar for the other older doom games on the disk |
I just want to know wher to input the codes, becuase I hear to put it in in the PDA screen, but none of them worked, I.. |
Well all you have to do is enter the PDA screen and then hold the left trigger while entering the cheats. » Show More Answers |
Is this game worth it? On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, rate how good of a game it is. Can someone ple.. |
Its an exelent game action,shooting,monsters man this game can scare you at some times.Its a great game you should buy it. » Show More Answers |
Can you help answer any of these questions?
How do you power up the teleporter and retrieve the p.. |
multiplayer |
How do you get into the monorail station? |
Is there any way to use no-clip(walk-through-walls) o.. |
Hi I wondered how many levels/maps are there on 1 pla.. |
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We have 2 Walkthroughs for Doom 3.
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By kingkamikazeXXIFAQ/Walkthrough (Xbox)
By arkenaFrench Guide (PC)
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