Springfield Reporter from Springfield, Vermont (2024)

SPRINGFIELD REPORTER, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1914. nied by his sister, Mrs. Ona Lyman, and son. Mrs. Burbee remained in Springfield.

Frederick Howe of Hinsdale, N. and lady friend, Miss Unice Cobb, of Brattleboro and Ralph Howe of Brattleboro were Fourth of July and Sunday guests at A. L. Howe's. There was a large crowd in attendance at the celebration in this village the Fourth.

Frank W. Smith of Brattleboro was at the home of his mother over the Fourth. Miss Clara Pierce has gone to Brattleboro, where she has employment in the office with her sister, Miss Jessie. Herbert Frederick came up from Bellows Falls on his motorcycle Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

D. J. Frederick. He returned home Sunday Ray Bump and lady friend, Miss Hage, of Brockton, are spending week with the former's uncle, E. K.

Bridgeo. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jaguith and little son and Mrs. Emma Bemis and children were at A.

O. Chase's Saturday and Sunday. SIMONSVILLE The Fourth was a very quiet day in this place. A few attended the ball game at Peaseville and many visited Lowell Mrs. S.

J. Pedden visited her son, John, and wife at North Springfield Friday. A few of the people attended the Grange dance at Peaseville Friday evening. Miss Sara Lent was at home over the Fourth from Mount, Holly, returning there with brother. Mrs.

S. J. Pedden entertains this week Wednesday, the Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. Bigelow are entertaining her daughter and husband, and a son and wife from Mansfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Dodd have moved to Houghtonville. The mill was moved there early in the week from Mount Holly. Miss Laura Leonard has been assisting Miss Marion Gibson in the post office at Londonderry. Mr. and Mrs.

P. T. Marsh of North Chester, former residents here, called on friends briefly, Wednesday, July 1. Miss Edith McDonald of Bellows Falls and Harry Wiggins of Rutland, were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

H. F. Wiggins. S. J.

Pedden has been haying for the Orcutts in Chester. Most of the farmers commenced this week. Miss Ruth Adams Chester and haying, Alphonso Francis of Worcester, who resided here when a young lad, were guests at the Rowell Inn Tuesday of last week and called on friends. Mrs. Josie Stearns of Northampton, Mr.

and Mrs. Will Lilley of Bellows Falls were Fourth of July automobile visitors of their mother, Mrs. Eliza Davis, and uncle, Jay Davis, and Mrs. Davis accompanied them to Lowell Lake. Miss Smith's subject Sunday morning was: "The Boy and the Flag," a patriotic story that she had written for Simonsville.

Henry Colburn, an aged soldier present and offered a very able prayer. Patriotic music was rendered. C. O. Fullam and family of Chester enjoyed the Fourth at the Rowell Inn.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowell and son, Orlando, took an automobile trip last week to Lenox and Williamstown, Mass.

Thirty-six guests were entertained Sunday, July 5th, at the Inn. SOUTH LONDONDERRY Mrs. Ella Davis has been visiting for two weeks in Cambridge, a guest of Mrs. M. J.

Hapgood. Mrs. B. S. Gallup of Westboro, called on friends here one day last week.

A union service will be held in the Baptist church next Sunday, evening. Married, Saturday, at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. A. W. Atwood, Miss Blanche Wiley and Fred Carley.

CAVENDISH Cavendish Sunday, July 5, Kate M. Godfrey, aged 72 years. Mrs. Anna Sherman returned from an extended visit to her daughter in Westminster, last week. Mrs.

C. O. Randall had her mother with her last week. Hugh Elliott of Chicopee Falls, was home over the Fourth. Mrs.

John A. Hall of Saco, arrived Thursday for a visit to her nephew, Ernest Hall. H. H. Atherton, chauffeur for his cousins, the Bloods, at Three Rivers, arrived at his home in Whitesville Thursday, having with him Miss Lora Blood, Mr.

and Mrs. F. C. Watson, Mrs. Dr.

Knowles, all of the former place. Mrs. W. D. Baker of West Rutland is visiting relatives in town.

J. A. Smith has obtained a pension for Olivia, widow of Henry A. Bond, of Chester, at $12 per month. The station was broken into Friday noon while the station agent, D.

J. Stimits, was at dinner and a sum of money stolen. The bold thief has not been apprehended. Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Roundy and children of Claremont, N. were guests of her sister, Mrs. James Bemis, over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs.

William White of Brookline, and Donald White of Springfield were in town over the Fourth. Will Rand, the families of D. J. Weaver, and F. S.

Elliott, took a joy ride to Woodstock, Bridgewater, Rutland and Ludlow in the former's automobile Saturday, the Fourth. Not a drum was heard nor a funeral note on the Fourth. J. A. Smith.

PROCTORSVILLE Mrs. F. A. Vittum visited with relatives in Charlestown, N. last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Adams visited relatives in Marlboro and Lebanon, N. last week. Miss Helen Adams has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.

Eldora Stockwell, in Woodstock. Arthur Stearns of Claremont, N. has been a guest of his grandfather, A. L. Stearns, recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dunlap of Malden, were guests last week of her father, Albert La Motte. The summer homes here of Ion Dwyer of Providence, R. and George Woodward have been entered 10, 1914.

ESTER AND VICINITY Mrs. F. W. Childs of Brattleboro is spending a few days in town with her sister, Mrs. Grace Hadley.

Supt. P. H. Blake was in Burlington this week attending the state meeting of the Superintendents of Schools. Harry Chapman of Windham was in town Monday.

Miss Edith 1 Bell, operator at the local telephone office, spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday at her home in Ludlow. Mrs. A. F. Hazeltine spent Sunday in Londonderry with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Garfield. T. Cleary spent Saturday and Sunday in town with his family. Col.

Thomas Hannon, superintendent of the Soldiers' home at Bennington Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitney and daughter, Martha, also of Bennington, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henry.

On Sunday Col. Hannon, Hugh Henry and son, Hugh went to Bradford to attend the funeral of Col. John C. Stearns, who has been treasurer of the Vermont Soldiers' Home for a number of years. Grace Clifford of Norwich is in town visiting her sister, Miss M.

E. Burleigh. Dan Davis, who was badly injured some time ago by being thrown from his bicycle, is back at work. will be another dance at the town hall Wednesday a evening, July 15, there under the management of Mr. Anthony.

Mrs. Alice Parmenter entertained the members of the Ladies' Aid society of the Universalist church last Thursday afternoon at her home on Grafton street. Next Friday night will be children's night at the Grange. A very interesting program is being planned. Mrs.

A. T. Fish and Mrs. Ed Butterfield have charge of it. P.

E. Vittum of Lebanon spent a few days in town recently with his family. Harold Walter Waite, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.

Waite, was baptized at the Congregational church last Sunday at morning service. Mrs. W. S. Ballou and son, William, have been recent guests at the Congregational parsonage.

John McArthur of Claremont spent Saturday and Sunday in town with his family. A regular meeting of Olive Branch Lodge, F. and A. was held Friday evening. The wrapper factory has closed for a two weeks' vacation, Mrs.

Ellen Bemis, who has been quite ill at her home on Main street, is some better at this writing. A. N. Chandler, C. E.

Wellman, W. H. Austin, Leslie Parker and G. L. Fletcher went to Alstead last Thursday evening in Mr.

Wellman's car to attend a Masonic meeting held there. Lawrence Havens and Clyde Jefts have been engaged by Lawton Crocker to work for the National Survey for the summer. Their territory will be Rockland, and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs.

D. Watson Davis are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter on June 30. A. F. Hazeltine is taking a much needed rest from his store duties.

He is spending his vacation in Londonderry with L. 0. Garfield and family. George L. Fletcher is assisting John Rock, the new postmaster at Ludlow.

Mr. Bicknell of Johnson is spending a few days with his son, F. G. Bicknell, and family. Frances Learned of the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Learned. Mrs. Charles Whipple and daughter, Abbie, of Hyde Park, are visiting at Frank Hubbard's on Cobleigh street. Mrs.

Harry Tollerton and daughter, Marguerite, spent a few days in Bellows Falls last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Twing. Mrs. John Crosby and son, Frederick, of Burlington, spent a few days in town recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bryant of Lawrence, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D.

F. Bryant and family. Byron Smith, who is attending the Northampton Business school, is spending a few days in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.

B. Smith. Edith Glazier is spending her vacation in Grafton with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs.

C. O. Fullam and son, Clinton, spent the Fourth at Rowell's Simonsville. "Rowena Harlow spent a few days recently at Lowell Lake as guest of Helen Hilton. Leroy and Floyd Pollard are in North Springfield for a couple of weeks with their aunt, Mrs.

Knights. Grace Sargeant, who recently graduated from Castleton Normal school is at her home on Main street with her mother, Mrs. Grace Sargeant. Since graduating Miss Sargeant has been in Argyle, N. visiting her sister, Mrs.

Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. F. R.

Nichols and Bernice Kaylor spent Sunday in Lebanon as Mr. Saturday, Nichols' sister, Mrs. E. S. Haskell, and family.

A. R. Slader, the Rutland Optometrist-Optician, at the Fullerton Wednesday, August 5. Adv 23tf CHESTER DEPOT The Ladies' Aid society meets this week Thursday at Mrs. Alice Parmen- ter's.

The topic for next Sunday evening's meeting is "God in the Commonplace. Everyday Blessings." Mrs. C. H. Smith.

Rev. Frances Kimball will preach next Sunday morning at the usual hour. Mrs. Julia Fuller of Worcester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B.

S. Fairbank. Miss Coleman of Saxtons River is A guest of her cousin, Mrs. G. A.

Hosmer. Mrs. Edwin Sumner of Greenfield, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A.

T. Fish. Miss Lucy Stone of Gardner, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.

A. Hussey. Clyde Jefts and Lawrence Havens started Monday for Maine where they will spend several weeks. Henry Allen spent Saturday and Sunday at Lake Pleasant. Misses Margaret Henry, Norma and Hazel Richardson attended the Na- tional Y.

P. C. U. meeting at Boston and Lynn 1 this week. Mr.

and Mrs. Olvaro Whitman and granddaughter of Athol, M' have been guests of Mrs. Lucy A Allen. Arthur Bunting of Westminster is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bunting. Richardson Mrs. William Johnson attended a picnic at Barber park recently. William Carlisle spent the Fourth with his son, Fred, and daughter, Helen, in Springfield, Mass. Cora Whitcomb is caring for Mrs.

Watson Davis, who has a little baby girl. Mary Patterson has gone to Virginia for an indefinite stay with her sister. Mrs. Louise Thomas has sold farm to Mr. Holden of Charlestown, N.

who will move there soon. Avlene and Irl Cady of West while with their grandfather, Springfield, are a stopping for Whitaker. Mrs. Augusta Hawks is visiting Mr. and Mrs.

John Brooks. Charles Aldrich of South Derry called on freinds here recently, coming in his new auto Mr. and Mrs. Brooks visited his brother, Charles, in Westminster recently. Mr.

and Mrs. Glynn go this week to visit friends in Troy and other places Mr. and Mrs. Will Frost of Boston are with parents, Mr and Mrs. George Whittens, for a few days.

Albert Giddings, who has been in Boston for treatment for his eyes, has returned, much improved. Arthur Bunting and Miss Irene Martin of Westminster are at Charles Bunting's for a two weeks' vacation. Several of the Past Noble Grands of Rebekah lodge of Springfield visited Martha Lockwood recently and held a picnic with her. Charles Bunting lost his fine dog a few days ago, it being run over by an automobile. It was reckless driving that caused it and such men should be made to pay dearly for it.

Gassetts Grange had a patriotic program at their meeting on July 4. The hall was decorated with flags, patriotic songs sung and the question, "Is there sufficient observance of the Fourth of July?" was ably discussed and most of the speakers thought there not. It was the greatest day that ever occurred in the United States and was ushered in by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon and it should be kept up. Ice cream and cake were served and a good display of fireworks was shown. The railroad company commenced the work of changing the grade crossings above the station.

Earle. GASSETTS BARTONSVILLE Will Hakey of Newfane visited Sabin Morris and family one day last week. Carl Lathrop of Springfield, is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow.

Moses Snow is visiting in Gardner, Mass. Lewis Beto and Clarence Edwards were in Keene, N. over the Fourth. June 30, a son, Charles Webster, to Mr. and Mrs.

David M. Morris. Miss Braun of Chester is caring for Mrs. D. M.

Morris and infant son. Both are doing nicely. Mrs. A. L.

Day son, Aulston, were in Bellows Falls one day last week. Miss Eliza Beto spent Saturday! with her sister, Miss Flora i in Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgkins and daughter are now boarding with Mr.

Hodgkins' parents at the Valley Home Farm. Miss Mary Sweeny, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Marble, has returned to her home in North Walpole, N. H.

Mrs. Celina Hopkins has returned to her home here after visiting a few days with her daughter in South Charlestown, N. H. Wilfred Pollard and family spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs.

John Pollard. Emile E. Cave of Northampton, is visiting his friend, Miss Amy Morris. Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Unwin and little son spent Saturday and Sunday in North 1 Adams, Mass. Miss Ada Pollard of Bellows Falls visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard, over the Fourth. Clifton Carlisle is suffering with a broken arm.

WINDHAM A good number attended the basket picnic held on the parsonage lawn July 4th, and a pleasant time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. H. E.

Wood of Chester were at her father's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Julia Goodnow of Philadelphia is at Mrs. E. H.

Jones' for A visit through July. Paul Jones has gone to Ithica to attend summer school at Cornell. Mrs. A. M.

Goodell is at W. G. Adams', Miss Elvira Gorham of Bellows Falls visited in town last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Orin Lamphear of Dorchester, who have been at H. M. Abbott's two weeks, returned to their home Monday. Dr. Stevens and family of New York City are at the bungalow again for the summer.

SOUTH WINDHAM Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whipple and son, Guy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sinclair and son drove up from Guilford Friday and attended the celebration here Saturday, returning to Guilford Sunday They stopped with Mr.

Whipple's aunt, Mrs. N. R. Howe, while in town. John Duncan and sister, Miss Alice Duncan, of Grafton were guests at H.

Mrs. C. Robbing' D. Saturday, Master Horace Banford of Newton, and Mrs. Sadie Boynton are guests of Mrs.

Lillie's mother, Mrs. M. M. Barber, at Locust View Farm. Miss Jessie Pierce of Brattleboro spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs.

F. H. Robbing. Mr. and Mrs.

A. G. Burbee and Miss Caro Field went to Springfield, one day last week. Mr. Burbee reIturned the first of the week and the furniture and crockery broken and table and bed linen soiled.

This wanton destruction was not discovered until the houses were opened to be put in readiness for the summer occupancy. Miss Nellie Maloney is employed in the postoffice at Ludlow. Miss Marjorie Bingham of Charlestown, N. is staying with her grandmother. -In Cavendish, Monday, July 6, Miss Margaret Goodman and Frank Snyder, both of this place.

The funeral services of Mrs. Kate M. Godfrey, who died Sunday, was held Monday morning at the Catholic church. Her age was 72 years. The railroad station at Cavendish was broken into last Friday and $40 taken from the money drawer.

Deputy Sheriff Lockwood of this place was notified and made a thorough examination of the premises. Entrance was made by prying up a window with a railroad spike. LUDLOW Clarence Clark of Fitchburg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Lawrence. Max Buchold and family and Mrs.

George Haven and daughter, Dorothy, spent the week end at Rescue Lake in the Buchold camp. The Boston Reds are scheduled for a game here next week Saturday, July 18. Miss Florence Kimball is visiting relatives in Felchville, John Dorsey, who recently completed a law course in the Boston University Law school, has entered the office of T. W. Moloney in Rutland.

Robert Buchold was at home from Pittsford for the Fourth. The R. F. D. and city letter carriers of the local office presented Capt.

E. A. Howe, the retiring postmaster, with a handsome nine piece brass desk set last Friday. A. L.

Taft, the senior carrier, who has been in the service 11 years, made the presentation. Miss E. J. Howe, the assistant postmistress, was given a fountain pen. Foreign money, silver or bills, is tabooed at the railroad stations on the line.

Miss May Lamere is visiting relatives in Burlington this week. Mrs. Dick Brown of Springfield was in town last Friday, Leo Godin and Arthur Godin of Weymouth, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Lucy Godin. Miss Lizzie Tully was a Saturday visitor in Rutland.

Miss Gertrude Armington of Springfield, is in town for the summer. Chautauqua week begins August 7. Rev. Frederick Roberson of Montreal preached at the Methodist church last Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred White of Chicago have been visiting Mr. White's aunt, Mrs. Emma Stimson. Miss Selma Patterson is visiting in White River Junction.

T. F. Horan is attending the meeting of the National Association Stationary Engineers held in Providence, R. I. Frank Hemenway is substituting for A.

L. Taft on the R. F. D. route during his vacation.

Miss Nettie Blair and brother, Andrew motored to Rochester Tuesday to visit their father, James Blair. Thomas Moran of White River Junction has been in town this week. A lawn party and band concert was held in the park Tuesday evening. South Royalton was defeated by the local ball team at both games Saturday with a score of 17, to 5 in the morning and 11 to 0 the afternoon. Miss Mary Sullivan and Miss Addie Tully went this week to Saratoga to work in a hotel.

Edward Rock of Chicopee Falls, is visiting his father, D. E. Rock. Mrs. George Levy returned this week from a visit with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Matt Clark, of Keene, N. H. Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Taft and Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Archibald and family and Miss Vera Manley went the first of the week to Marthas Vineyard for a two weeks' outing. Miss Mary Gleason of Northampton, is the guest of her brother, John Gleason. Mr. and Mrs.

C. H. Clay visited in Rutland a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs.

George Otis are away on a vacation trip, a portion of which will be spent in Burlington. Frederick Knight Jr. is at the summer military camp at Burlington, being a member of the Princeton students' party. A. R.

Slader, the Rutland Optometristi-Optician, at the Goddard on Tuesday, August 4. Adv 23tf FIRM FOUNDATION Nothing Can Undermine It in Springfield People are sometimes slow to recognize true merit, and they cannot be blamed, for so many have been humbugged in the past. The experience of hundreds of Springfield residents, expressed publicly through newspapers and other sources, places Doan's Kidney Pills on a firm foundation here. Mrs. Sarah J.

Olney, 120 Main Springfield, says: "I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble for several years. The kidney secretions were unnatural and I had headaches and dizzy spells, during which spots floated before my eyes. I tried several kidney remedies, but no relief until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Dodge's Pharmacy. They removed the headaches and dizzy spells and restored my kidneys to a normal condition. I now feel better in every way credit" give Doan's Kidney Pills the for my good health." Added Praise: When Mrs.

Olney was interviewed later, she said: "Since I recommended Doan's Kidney Pilla nearly three years ago, others of my family have tried them and have been greatly beneAtted. You may continue to publish my endorsem*nt." For sale by all dealers. Price 60c. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, New York, sole agents for United States. Remember the name -and take no other.

Adv 16 NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWNS! in ness at Lempster, the home N. H. of his Further son, Dr. mention Clark, will be made next week. CHARLESTOWN St.

Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. F. S. Beattie, Rector Holy Communion, first Sunday in month, 10:45 a. Sunday at 7:30 a.

m. 10:45 a. Prayer. 5:00 p. m.

Evening Prayer. 12:00 -Sunday School. ver. Holy Days: Services at 10:00 a. m.

The Fourth very quiet here. A large bonfire was built in the Square the night before and the bells were rung. No program was made and SO many of our townspeople attended the fireworks of the surrounding towns. Miss Mosher entertained her brother and some friends Sunday. family are on their farm on South Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Potter, and Charlestown road for a few weeks. Fred Perry and two sons were guests of relatives at West Epping for the Fourth. Dr. and Mrs.

Brooks entertained their son, Phillip, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rice of Springfield are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, June 23. Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Fisk, their two sons and daughter, Mary, spent the Fourth at Lake Warren. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Osgood and daughter are guests of relatives in town. Charles Lester of Schenectady, N. is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

James Lester, for his vacation. Miss Ida Linquist is at York Beach for the summer. Dean Weld and Ralph Young, attended the picnic on Mount Ascutney last week Tuesday. Chester Eaton and Samuel Worthley and son have returned from Lake Sunapee. Mr.

Worthley brought home a salmon weighing seven pounds. is relatives. John Humphrey, of Georgetown, Mr. Weld is varnishing the interior of the library. Miss Imogene Parker of Bellows Falls was in town Thursday and called on her friend, Miss Bertha Fisk.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somers of Lyndonville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William W.

Arnold for several days. Mrs. O'Leary and daughters of Jamaica Plains are at their summer home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs.

Leslie Spaulding and children spent the Fourth at Marlboro, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. David Dickinson and son went to Barber Park for the Fourth. Louis Reed left Friday for a two weeks' vacation.

Clarence Slavin and Deane Weld spent Saturday afternoon and evening at Barber Park. Percy Hutchins and Raymond Ford of Springfield were in town Sunday. Ralph Young was at Barber Park for the Fourth. Rex Woodard was pianist for a dancing party of Springfield at Lake Warren recently. Miss Prudence Gibson is with her mother, Mrs.

Gibson, for a vacation. E. T. Damon of Plymouth, tuned several pianos in town last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Holden and family arrived here the second of July, having started from Loxley, the first of April and coming all the way in their own team. They came by way of Tennessee and Kentucky and visited Mammoth Cave and Niagara Falls. They are now in the Merrifield house. Melvin Holden has bought a farm in Gassetts.

Mrs. Frank Haubrich and daughter called on Mrs. Henry Adams last week. Miss Beth Campbell of Yipsilanti, Michigan, is spending her vacation with her mother at the. Lamb's club.

Miss Eugene Adams spent Saturday morning in Springfield. Under the new law in effect July 1, lights on all vehicles, except automobiles, must be lighted one hour after sunset. Mrs. William O. Webber and daughter are at Miss A.

L. Webber's. Charles Hutchins played in Nevers' band of Concord at Dartmouth during commencement week. Bowen's orchestra played for a dance at Lempster, N. last Friday evening.

The Rev. P. B. Cobb will be ordained at the Congregational church next Tuesday evening, July 14. Rev.

Mr. Chidley of East Orange, N. will deliver the sermon. The pastor and a delegate from each Congregational church in the county have had invitations. Rev.

E. T. Blake and Rev. Smith are expected to be present. Miss Hazel Howe of South Weymouth, is visiting Miss Flora Stoughton.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Waterman are spending a few days with Mr.

and Mrs. Perley Kincaid. Eliot Stoughton has gone to Kennebunkport, Maine. Mrs. George Nourse and little daughter returned from Conway, Monday.

Mrs. Harlow has returned from Sunapee. Mrs. F. A.

Vittum of Proctorsville called on relatives in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bingham were guests of Mr. Bingham's parents of Lempster Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Osgood and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Osgood and Mrs.

John Richardson spent the Fourth at Westminster. Miss Marjorie Bingham is with her grandmother in Proctorsville. Miss Marjorie Watkins went to her home in Keene last Saturday morning. Miss Myrtle Alexander is helping Mrs. Frank Wilbur with her work.

The Misses Olive Stearns and Ruth Toye have returned from Greenfield, Mass. The Misses Mabel and Olive Kendall and Mrs. Frank Stowe visited Horace Kendall in Putney Sunday. Mrs. Harold Snow and little daughter are at Crescent Lake for the week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, who have been guests of their daughter, Mrs. Loyd Fairbanks have returned home. Sabin E.

Fisk is having a vacation and James Hall is taking his place as rural mail carrier. William E. Clark died very suddenly Saturday night after a brief ill- AUCTION SALE Sydney P. Wiley has a nice new automebile. Miss Ballad is a guest of Miss Flora M.

Stoughton. Charles S. Hutchins played in the Claremont American band last Saturday. Samuel Webber is with his sister, Miss A. L.

Webber. Miss Eva attending Bates a is in summer school. Springfield, Miss Hazel Clough of Windsor Dwight Cabot of Winchester, were married at the bride's home June 29. Miss Clough was a former resident of this town. Merrill Dodge of Springfield was in town Sunday.

NORTH CHARLESTOWN Mrs. W. A. Hunt entertained the members of the W. C.

T. U. Wednesday of last week. Mr. Bailey has lost a large number of chickens from his poultry yard Swift Son are to build a new dam entirely of concrete.

Members of the W. C. T. U. have prepared a box to send to the needy ones of Salem.

D. P. Hoffman's house has been connected with the telephone exchange. A social event last week was the birthday party of Mrs. W.

M. Densmore. SOUTH CHARLESTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Warren Potter and family of Springfield, are at their home here for the summer.

Misses Gertrude and Olive Holton of Northfield, have been visiting at Mrs. E. A. Weeks'. Miss Avis Reed of Charlestown spent Monday with friends here.

There was considerable excitement here Thursday over a runaway. Some Springfield men on their way home from "Reno" lost control of their horse and in the mix-up one wheel was broken and the horse started to run. She must have kicked as D. K. Whitcomb, into whose barn she ran, pulled out of her foot a pointed sliver, 8 inches long, from a spoke, which had gone clear through her foot.

The wound bled badly and Mr. Whitcon bandaged the foot and stopped the bleeding. Later the men were arrested by Officer Piper and taken to Charlestown where were tried Friday by Judge Hamlin. Several here attended the Fourth of July celebration at Westminster. Ed Searle of Claremont spent Sunday with his brother, S.

T. Searle. Mrs. Mary Bronson, who has been visiting her daughter in Claremont, is again at Charles Willard's. The Benevolent society meets with Mrs.

Frank Leach next Tuesday. CLAREMONT Rev. J. P. Garfield sailed Tuesday from Boston on the Franconia for a several weeks' trip abroad.

E. W. Tenney was in Brattleboro on business Friday. The residence at corner of School and Franklin streets has been sold to W. H.

Harriman. Miss Evelyn Floyd. spent the weekend at Sunapee Lake. Claremont is to have a new moving picture theatre. Miss A.

L. Smith, superintendent at the general hospital, has tendered her resignation, to take effect very soon. Ill health is the cause of her resignation. Tyler Barrett, who has been attending school at Highland Falls, N. is at home for the summer vacation.

Notices have been posted for the Direct Primary to be held Tuesday, September 1. The fifth open air concert by the American band was given last evening followed by a dance in the town hall. Miss Marion Kirby was a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allard i in Concord.

Mrs. Mary Dole has returned from Fall River and will spend the summer at her home here. C. K. Blackwood of the Sullivan Machinery company' was in town last week on business.

Mrs. George Grimes is visiting in Fonda, N. Y. Ira G. Colby and family are at the Lake for the summer.

Miss Florence Colby of Dorchester, is visiting at W. H. Thompson's. H. E.

Aldrich has moved from Myrtle street to the tenement on Bond street vacated by T. A. Clark. Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Cowles and children of Somerville, are at Lake Sunapee for a month and will a spend a portion of August with friends here. F. C.

Reed has let the contract for a new house to be built on the Charlestown road near the Atwood place. Rev. H. F. Quimby of Exeter visited his brother, E.

A. Quimby, last week. Leonard Jay will be employed in the National bank during the summer. Mrs. H.

K. Lloyd is visiting relatives in Rochester and Albion, N. Y. Rev. W.

E. Patterson visited relatives in St. Johnsbury last week. July 1, a daughter to Edmund and Maud Wallace. F.

C. Reed and family of Newport have moved into the Morrill house on Maple Ave. Both afternoon and evening shows at Dreamland Monday were benefit entertainments for the Salem sufferers. The stores were closed Wednesday afternoon this week for the week's half holiday. A.

A. Stearns, C. L. Powers and Mr. and Mrs.

F. W. Bronson made up an automobile party that motored to Springfield, last Saturday, Mrs. M. A.

Fitch and son, Alfred, are visiting Mrs. Fitch's sister, Mrs. M. C. Clark, in Franklin, Mass.

A bell signal has been placed at the railroad crossing on Broad street. Mrs. F. C. Merrill of Nashua has been staying with Mrs.

T. R. Hicks at the parsonage on Central street during the absence of Mr. Hicks and Mr. Merrill in Chicago where they have been attending an International Sunday, Mrs.

School J. H. convention. has moved from Summer street to Sullivan street. Mrs.

Chester Wood is entertaining her sister, Mrs. H. E. Hubbard, of Brockton, Mass. Miss Dorothy Flint, daughter of Mr.

land Mrs. Francis G. Flint of Bellows JAMES A. HALL Real Estate and Auctioneering CHARLESTOWN, N. H.

Falls and granddaughter of Mrs. Herbert Bailey of this town and George Leighton Bridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Bridge of St. Louis, were married Monday afternoon in Immanuel church Bellows Falls by Rev.

A. C. Wilson. The Misses Florence, Ruth and Constance Barrett, cousins of the bride, acted as bridesmaids and W. Emerson Barrett was one of the ushers.

No. 122. Is it possible to put 12 pieces of money in six rows and have four in a row? Answer in July Rexall News. Free every month at Dodge's Pharmacy. Adv 28 A M.

B. Franklin, M. O. Optometrist (Specialist for all refractive errors of the eye.) If you will come to our office see what modern scientific instruments of precision we use in examining and measuring the eyes for glasses, we know you will want us to take care of your eyes in the future. We discover and correct those latent concealed, hidden troubles that cause SO much headache and nervousness that are overlooked by the ordinary oculist and optician.

At office in Adnabrown Hotel, Springfield, Friday, July 17 From 8 A.M. to 3.00 P. M. We grind and repair all kinds of spectacles and eye-glasses at our tablishment, 37 Main Keene, N. H.

N. B. If you are unable to call at the office, drop us a postal and we will call at your home and examine your eyes without extra cost anywhere within eight miles of Springfield. CHAFED BABIES WILL NOT CRY When Tolletine is used. Wash parts with clean water, dry with soft linen cloth; while damp TOILETING Heals Watch how quickly baby will be comfortable.

It's good for any akin irritation; for easier shaving, for insect bites, etc. 25c Lig bottle at druggist's. Sample and booklet free from THE TOILETINE 645 Hope Street Greenfield, Mass, Sold and Guaranteed by N. C. Dodge and W.

H. Wheeler Son Whittemores Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY GILT EDGE, GILT QUIcK EDGE WHITE DRESSING MAKES DIRTY LADIES CANVAS SHOES BLACK SHOES CLEAN WHITE SOFTENS PRESERVES QUICKLY- APPLIED EASILY LEATHER AL CLEANS MAIL COLOR WHITE CANVAS LUSTRE "GILT EDGE," the only ladies' shoe dressing that positively contaius oil. Blacks, Polishes and Preserves ladies' and children's shoes, shines without rubbing, 25c. "FRENCd GLOSS," 10C. "DANDY" combination for cleaning polishing all kinds of russet or tan shoes, 250.

"STAR" size, luc. "QUICK WHITE" (in liquid form with chore, spouse quickty cleans "ALDO" and clea's whitens and dirty whitens canvas BUCK, 10c. NECUCK. SUEDE, and CINVAS SHOES. In round white cakes packed in nc boxes, with sporge, 1'c.

In haudsome, large aluminum boxes, with sponge, 25c. It your dealer does not keep the kind rou want. send us the price in stamps tor full size package, charges paid. WHITTEMORE BROS. 20-26 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass.

The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of Shoe Polishes in the World. Do You PRIN. IN0 Realize that right here in your own home town there is one of the best equipped printing shops in these parts? We can print you anything you may desire, from a calling card to a high-grade catalog. We solicit your patronage. Springfield Printing Co..

Springfield Reporter from Springfield, Vermont (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.